Our Commitment to Clean!

In addition to following CDC and DOH recommendations, here is our protocol for best practices.


Our Practices:

These practices are subject to change based on official guidance and updated information.

  1. Families are asked to follow CDC guidelines to keep our students and staff safe.

  2. Students and staff will be required to wash or sanitize hands before and after all activities.

  3. The studio will be sanitized daily, often in between activities, using CDC recommended cleaners. The facility will also run an ozone machine nightly to sanitize.

  4. We have installed a Molekule filter with PECO technology proven to destroy a proxy virus for SARS-CoV-2 (RNA virus MS2) and also satisfies performance criteria outlined in FDA guidance for use in helping to destroy SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19 virus.

    For more info: molekule.com/papers

  5. We request that if your child is not feeling well, you keep your child home “just in case”. Even if it is “just a headache” or “just a stomachache”.

Additionally, we ask that parents inform the facilitator if your family has experienced a potential exposure to a known case of COVID-19.

As per CDC and DOH, depending on the level of exposure, the student may need to stay home for the duration of the incubation period of 2 weeks. This will be determined on a case by case basis and will depend on the requirements of the DOH regarding each individual case.
